Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The Fiesta Prusisyon

I opened and rubbed my eyes when I heard a loud and jolly jive of a marching band seemingly getting closer, and I knew that here it comes. I jumped briskly out of my covers and joined my family outside. They already had the chips and biscuits on baskets and bags, and I was confident that this is it. After cleaning my eyes once again, I saw that every family has done the same: fathers carrying their little children on their shoulders, moms flapping their avanicos waiting for it to come their way, bundles and plastics of snacks dawdling for their scene. This was it, the prusisyon was here.

At last, I gained sight of the entourage. The security officers were leading the chain, with very little effort clearing the way for the occasion, shortly followed by the real train. A group of elders were the real eye-catchers of the assembly. With their aged bodies, they enthusiastically perform the dance. Facing backward, knees bent, they glide youthfully mixing their performance with the interestingly amusing rhythm the band was giving. Aggressively, they move three steps backwards, their body movement merging with the cold blow of the wind creating an illusion of flawless waves within the choreography. Then gawking directly to the image of the saint, with two steps, they approach rapidly as if offering their mighty valor to our patron. The continuous pattern was creating an illusion of young children playing, it was beautiful, how the irony of the thought came up. The elderly performing the steps successively were followed by some of the officials, who walked with great authority, and then the band- then follows the reason for the occasion. Having that glorious aura and momentum, the figure of Sta. Marta demanded attention. The cart, carried by men performing the same dance as the elders, had but little garnish offers grandeur and caught everybody’s respect and admiration. After the saint has passed, the highlight follows, the followers were each carrying boxes. Each family, getting the snacks they had prepared, and throws them above the procession. Every man was forcefully getting his space, grasping any food thrown above him.

That was it. Although the steps were simple, you can see in every eye, the sense of enjoyment, the great presence of faith and that little sparks of fulfillment.

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