Wednesday, January 28, 2009

iSn'T iT fUnNy?


Isn’t it funny why people dream?

I want fame, I want money, I want a car,

I want to learn, I want to study, I want to be –

A doctor, a model, a writer,

An artist, a father, a person.

Whatever the dream may be,

It creates a passion, that,

Would never be, can never be…


Isn’t it funny that children idolize?

Voltes V, Recca, Popeye,

Spongebob, Mickey and Ash.

Captivated on the ideal, the typical,

Fiction of entertainment?

Still, these cartoons, is where the children first –

Learn to want, learn to be what they are,

Know where they will go,

The basics, so-called,

In starting the burn of Dream…

Isn’t it funny how different people dream?

Some want a new bag, a new gizmo…

Some want to enter school, to be able to read…

Some want to go abroad, to travel…

And some want to eat three meals a day…

This is not to compare, but this is to


To see that people can dream, people have them,

People are full of them.

But the funny thing in difference is that –

For some, dreams are desires,

And for some, are hopes, to reach the point,

The point where that first some, started to dislike…

I Dream,

I dream that someday…

Someday, dreams will not just be-


I dream that someday,

Someday, when a person starts to dream,

Is the day that person, walks toward that dream…

For that is, what they call,


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